The HNP team did a public presentation at Hagley Parish Council’s recent Annual meeting. The main themes were around the work being undertaken by the work streams and findings from public consultations.  The team are preparing a draft overview of the plan which will be submitted to BDC as part of its consultation process as a means of the direction of travel for Hagley’s own Plan.

I’d like to pay homage to the volunteers of the group for the many hours being put into delivering the Neighbourhood Plan. Not only are they supporting the community with their hours of work but also providing a great deal of expert opinion supported by evidence being gathered through engagement and consultation. Our forthcoming activities are to organise reviews of public countryside walks, review of water courses, rivers and brooks in Hagley, Hedgerows, trees and tree lines and environmental impacts assessments of the land put forward in BDC’s call for sites.

We’ve completed the History walks which was attended by a group of resident volunteers. We’ve taken away comments from these walks and will weave them into the plan going forward. The same approach will be applied to the other activities above. If there are any volunteers with this knowledge who could support us on these activities that would be fantastic.

Thank you for those that have already volunteered to support the group on these activities we will be in touch.

Steve Colella